clinic mascot, pedigree-bitzer and 30kg lapdog)
Vada Sambhar
Whoever said you cannot go get a painting framed and come home with a dog, was lying! That is exactly what happened one fateful day in 2021 when Dr. Preethi and Vada found love at first cuddle at a frame shop (where Vada was in foster care). Inspired by a famous South-Indian breakfast dish (that translates to a savoury Indian doughnut), Vada is our very own clinic mascot and therapy dog for the ruff-days. She has been an integral part of the Whites Hill workforce. Her days include long naps in the office, a lunchtime walk around the block to ensure our clinic’s territory has been firmly marked, and as many pats and treats she can squeeze out of our lovely clients. Being a rescue pet, she is still a work in progress but has grown so much in confidence and character and makes us immensely proud. Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks!
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